Monday, August 20, 2012


Yes, I know I have been gone for a while. A rather long while. Here's what's up with me:

Knight's End is on Amazon as an ebook and a paperback, and on Smashwords as an ebook.
I am in the process of rewriting Nineteen, which I intend to self-publish next (maybe after querying a bit).
I am in the process of planning the second Knight novel and about fifteen other books.
School started today and I am already stressed. (I'm a sophomore in college, for those of you who don't know).
I have a new job! Still waiting tables but at a better place and I am so, so, so happy!
I am looking for Beta readers for the new version of Nineteen and for Otherworldly (which I hope to finish this year and start editing to publish).

I guess that's all that's new with me. I've been super busy lately trying to get a book review blog up-and-running (It's called Word Splash and I severely need to update it). Not to mention with work and getting ready for college to start and cleaning up around my house, I just don't have much time for anything lately. But I will try to keep this updated with how my writing is going, even if I have to make a new page with a word count meter to do it!

Ciao for now, friends!

Jami Montgomery